In order to ensure national security, MAA is able to offer its consultancy services to ensure the safety and efficiency of government agencies’ military facilities. MAA possess the engineering skills and experience necessary to provide various services including: feasibility studies, planning, design, construction supervision and management of site areas and facilities. In addition to the high standards that MAA is able to comply with, MAA also understands how to maintain a high level of client’s confidentiality for these projects.
MAA has participated in military facilities projects across various countries, including for Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore. Detailed design and construction services were provided by MAA for The Royal Thai Air Force to establish its Southern Thailand Air Defense System, which included communication buildings, radar buildings, as well as an operations center with a blast resistant and ground attack defense design. In Singapore, MAA worked with the Singapore Armed Services on the design of its cross-country driving circuit, a military training facility. MAA also has experience working with naval bases and facilities expansions and ship accommodations.