Building Information Modeling (BIM)

As engineering consulting progresses from 2D models to 3D models and simulations, MAA provides its Building Information Modeling (BIM) services to guide clients through complex and integrative buildings and systems. From award winning HSR station projects, complex convention centers, to educational campus developments, MAA has the knowledge and capability to integrate BIM services into design, construction, and facility management phases.


During design, MAA communicates and collaborates with teams, using organized workflow models to ensure effective multidisciplinary integration for a successful building model. In construction, MAA is able to simulate building schedules, coordinating with contractors to shorten timescale and ensure constructability. By engaging contractors into the BIM process, the building information can be integrated into the model, for use by facility management during the operation and maintenance phases. Despite MAA’s accumulated experience and innovations in BIM, MAA continually seeks to expand its capabilities in this field. 


MAA has won several notable awards for BIM, including 2015 Autodesk BIM Award for Taiwan Changhua HSR Station, multiple CICHE Taiwan BIM Awards, and have provided BIM services for projects throughout China, Taiwan, and Thailand



Services Provided

  • - BIM design and systems integration
    - BIM project and construction management
    - BIM for facility management and asset management