

Sustainability is MAA’s dedication in engineering designs; laying the foundation for our future generations. MAA acknowledges our dependence on nature and our environment, progressively seeking and integrating sustainable practices into our engineering solutions. By interpreting sustainable developments as “developments which satisfy our modern needs, meanwhile securing our next generation’s ability to satisfy their own needs”, MAA has been establishing our own innovative sustainable strategies and action plan to contribute to our earth’s environment.


Shinwei Butterfly Bridge, Taiwan




As inhabitants of the 21st century, we are constantly challenged to improve upon our current quality of life. With global climate changes, rapid urbanization, limited non-renewable resources, diminishing fresh water supplies, greenhouse gas emissions, and environmental pollution, there is an imminent call for implementation of green and sustainable strategies into our societies. MAA continually tries to address these potential issues in infrastructural projects, taking extra precautions to produce resilient buildings and systems.


Xibao Hydro Power Survey





To achieve sustainable engineering, MAA incorporates green landscaping, green construction methods, green materials, and green energy designs into infrastructures and buildings, combining with advanced technologies to create high performance smart and green cities. By protecting water sources, incorporating green transportation elements, promoting energy-saving measures, and considering coastal and mountainous biodiversities, we develop eco-friendly projects to care for our environment. Apart from preparing ecological response measures for global warming related natural disasters, thought has to be given on societal issues as well to provide clean water and air, green energy, food, and shelter in a sustainable manner for our future generations. 


Danhai New Town Ecological Wastewater treatment



MAA sees the protection of environment not as something to merely comply with, but as a fundamental responsibility for people to actively engage in. We meet the challenges of our time by using a multidisciplinary approach to develop innovative strategies. By integrating “technology, science, ecology, culture, aesthetics, and innovation” into our projects, we hope to pave a path for a sustainable future.


Cheng Gung Drainage Channel Remediation Scheme, Xinzhuang, New Taipei City